Symptoms of Mesothelioma

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oPeritoneum: the lining of the abdominal cavity, and

oPericardium:. Sac holding the heart

the impact of these organs can vary given the particular nature and function of organs. Some of these symptoms are severe, but some symptoms are rare. It is therefore recommended that you contact a doctor if the symptoms prevail.

Additionally, if mesothelioma is detected at an early stage, the chance for possible cure are high.

Following are the symptoms of mesothelioma, categorized by type:

Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma:

oShortness breath

oCoughing to the blood

oPain chest

oPleural effusions (fluid accumulation in the lung lining)

oBack pain



oProblem swallowing

oLoss appetite

oWeight loss

oExcessive cough




In severe cases, the patient can develop pneumothorax or lung cancer (lung failure). However, some patients May show almost no symptoms.

Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms,:

oSwelling or mass accumulation in the abdomen

oWeight loss

oAbdominal pain

oBowel obstruction

oBlood clots


oNausea [​​[/ P>



Pericardium Mesothelioma Symptoms:

oChest pain

oShortness breath


oUnusual heart beating

oIrregular breathing

These are the symptoms of mesothelioma can also be indications of other minor illnesses. However, if diagnosed soon, these symptoms can help doctors to cure cancer in a primitive stage. Keep in mind that only a doctor can confirm the presence of mesothelioma medical examination report, asbestos exposure history, MRI and / or CT. In some cases, a needle biopsy can be performed.