Overview of Asbestos-Related Diseases
Asbestos has been used for thousands of years before finally being phased in the late 20th century. However, millions of people were exposed to substances in the United States. Unfortunately, because we are not aware of the dangers of asbestos until it was too late, many people today suffer from diseases caused by this mineral.
Although asbestos is an extremely useful material because of its insulating properties against the head, flame, chemicals, electricity, and humiliation, it is also very dangerous. One was apparently a big feature of asbestos that could easily be made into threads and woven fabrics in and adding other things like plastics and concrete. However, it also means that you can easily stop and come in touch with our bodies.
Because asbestos proliferates so easy, it was associated with several disorders, including:
mesothelioma. This is a specific type of lung cancer that affects the pleura or tissue lining the lungs and abdomen, or peritoneum.
lung cancer. lung cancer occurs when tumor grows in the lung tissue. Many tumors that start in the lung metastasize to other parts of the body, including liver and brain, which makes it especially deadly disease.
asbestosis. This describes the process by which in the lung becomes scarred due to exposure to asbestos. This can disrupt your breathing and cause you to be constantly short of breath.
Pleural plaques. This occurs when asbestos fibers irritate the lungs. They are of scar tissue or fibrosis, deposits of collagen.
Pleural thickening. When pleural plaques cover the lung disorder is called pleural thickening. This calcification, or thickening of the pleura may prevent proper breathing.
Pleural effusions. This occurs when fluid collects between the lining of the lungs and chest wall itself.
Other cancers. contact with asbestos has also been linked with several other cancer except that of the lungs. Larynx, upper throat, kidney, esophagus, bladder, gastrointestinal, and colon.
asbestos warts. When asbestos fibers break off, they can be made in the skin. The skin becomes irritated and inflames, and is growing above the debris. It can form blisters like warts that can be unsightly and embarrassing.
Although not all of the above diseases are deadly and of itself, can often lead to bigger problems or more serious disorders, such as mesothelioma. If you or someone you know has been wrongfully exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma, you should talk to a lawyer about their rights.
6:27 PM
asbestos exposure,
asbestos-related diseases,
lung cancer,
overview asbestos related diseases,
pleural disease
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asbestos exposure
asbestos-related diseases
lung cancer
overview asbestos related diseases
pleural disease
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