Causes of Breathing Problems in Cancer Patients

Wheezing can arise from several factors, a symptom that should be followed carefully by liječnika.Najčešći cause the tumor to grow in the lungs, or the one that started there, the primary tumor) or one that has spread from other sites (metastatic tumor). If so, breathing problems can often be reduced, at least temporarily, with radiotherapy and sometimes chemotherapy.

In some cases, a tumor causes the fluid to build around the lungs (pleural effusion) or heart (pericardial effusion). Breath and fatigue will be ten to improve dramatically when the fluid is removed from the whole lung with a needle (thoracentesis) and chest tube is used to prevent recurrence.

common cause breathing difficulties is the pressure on the diaphragm, our main breathing muscle, the liquid or from a large tumor incurable in trbuhu.Paracenteze drainage procedure), sometimes followed by insertion of a catheter that can be deleted by staff or trained family members , can dramatically improve breathing comfort.