Causes of Mesothelioma Cancer
Mesothelioma is a malignant growth of cells in the mesothelium, a thin membrane that covers the internal organs of the body. This mesothelium lining covers the pleural, peritoneal and pericardial cavities. The pleura is the membrane covering the lungs and this is usually where the mesothelioma cancer also occurs, known as pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneum, the protective covering that lines the abdominal cavity can develop malignant tumors and cause.
Mesothelioma is one of the rarest in the world of cancer that is caused only by exposure to asbestos. His presentation can be as direct or indirect inhalation of asbestos exposure in which they inhaled asbestos particles from clothing, hair, equipment or other items that had previously been exposed to asbestos.
Causes Mesothelioma
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that is mined in various parts of the world because of its usefulness in a wide variety of industries. However, it is a deadly carcinogen too and mojor and asbestosis.
Asbestos fibers are known to cause cancer of the mesothelium. Asbestos is a fibrous form of several minerals and hydrous silicates of magnesium found in the ground. There are 3 types of asbestos, blue, and one brown. Of all these 3 species, also called blue amphibole, long and thin in structure is more carcinogenic than white or chrysolite asbestos or the brown one known as amosite.
1:21 PM
mesothelioma asbestos,
mesothelioma cancer,
mesothelioma cuases,
mesothelioma treatments,
mesothelioma types
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mesothelioma asbestos
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